You Are Beautiful, Life Is Beautiful

 I am passionate about  freedom and empowerment and living a holistic lifestyle that honors our bodies and nature. I am passionate about finding a happy and graceful way to live, this comes from the inside, not what dominate culture and society teaches us.

 I have a holistic approach to teaching and life. And because I have  natural desire to help people, I am very committed to my clients. It’s inside extensive training and dedication that  I’m able to get the root of how to  best help my clients. It gives them amazing long lasting results, and I’m very glad to be part of their journey. 

There was a time when I was always pushing myself, and this left me feeling really drained and depleted. I was a college athlete (Cross Country and Tack), so that way-of-being was expected. Pushing myself was all that I knew at that time.  

And Then I Just Couldn't Do It Anymore

I started to notice that the way I pushed my body in sports was also the way I pushed myself to overachieve, “overdo” in an attempt to be “perfect” in all areas of my life. I used to put so much pressure on myself and that left me feeling like I was never enough. That was a huge wakeup call for me. Since then, I’ve  discovered that I don’t need to keep pushing or use tension and effort … I discovered a more gentle and mindful way to connect to my body.  I was able to free up energy and create the space for me to trust and enjoy a fun and gentle approach to life.

My body became leaner and more efficient and it this also inspired me to change my lifestyle, to listen to what I need and how I felt. Now, I view myself as a cyclical being, as all things in nature that have seasons of rest, creativity, productivity, and reflection. It is a much more balanced way to live and I am healthy and happier. You can  discover a gentler, more nurturing way as well! I can show you how. 

Family And Wellbeing

I live with my husband Chris and two beautiful young daughters in Southern Spain. Our main transport is a bike with a cart in the back for the two girls and that is how we get around town. The girls go to a Nature School and we have a garden where we hang out, dig, and plant to be outside as much as possible.

I first came to Southern Spain for a semester abroad in college and I fell in love with the culture and language and I am so blessed to be raising my family here. I have extensively studied the body for nearly two decades through a variety of cultural lenses, including: Yoga, massage therapy, energy medicine, western science- (started nursing school, but it wasn’t for me) shamanism, consciousness and coaching, Pilates; focusing on women’s body awareness and strength during pregnancy, pre & post birth.

I  have studied  and taught all over the world in the United States, Spain, India, Netherlands, Peru and have been teaching movement for 15 years. I love exploring outside and learning new things. I just started learning the guitar.

My Studio

I’ve created an intimate space so I can focus on you and an what you need to strengthen your mind, body and connection with your inner spiritual wisdom. 

Why I Do What I Do

I am a very curious, joyful and adventurous human being that has always found Movement to be deeply grounding, healing and transformative. I have been teaching Movement since 2006. I love what I do- and that is why I share it! I began as a very dedicated Yoga student and Teacher and then found Pilates to be the magical mixture of mindfulness, strength and release that gave me the body that I always wanted. Pilates is much more than a workout. It is a lifestyle and mindset that gives balance, confidence, and control of our bodies throughout their constant flux of change with age and circumstances.

I have so much gratitude for my body and all that it can do and feel and that is why I choose to treat it lovingly, invest in it, and nourish it.

Here's A Snapshot Of My Never-Ending Studies

(Because I love learning so much!)

Pilates and Somatic Movement Training:

Yoga Teacher Training:

Body Work:

Coaching and Consciousness Training:

What makes you proud to be you?  For me, it’s being a mother, my way, and giving birth, my way (home birth). I learned a foreign language as an adult. I love that I’m starting and growing a business too!  And I am also proud of the difference that I make in peoples lives through my teaching. I love helping people discover a happy and graceful way to live. If you’re ready for that, I can help! 

Are you ready to be free of the myths that keep you from having a toned, pain-free body that you love?​