Feel Amazing in Your Body, Create Calm, and
Easily Take on Life's Challenges

pilates instructor Cadiz Spain Elizabeth Phelan

Hi, I’m Elizabeth,

In the blissful moments we spend together, on the mat,  I’ll show you exactly how to develop inner and outer strength and confidence to feel amazing in your body.

Our modern world values and rewards a very linear and goal oriented approach to life and our bodies.  That can lead us to feel like we are never enough, always striving to meet the next goal and needing to “push through” even to the point of exhaustion, burn out or injury.  Nature shows us a very different way to live and treat our bodies. It is based on cycles in which every season is unique and purposeful. As we learn to tune into what we need, we stop doing what we think we “should do” and well-being flows with ease. Just like a river.

"Moving with YOUR Seasons" Pilates Home Practice Series

This 4-video program series will teach you how to slow down your mind and tune into your body and your breath. You will develop a more sustainable healthy habit of caring for yourself that increases energy, tones your body, and feeds your soul. By developing a Pilates Home practice, in as little as 20-30 minutes a few times a week, that honors your cyclical nature, and how your energy ebbs and flows, you can prioritize you in a way that is graceful and long lasting.  This way of living is an absolute game changer and you body will look and feel its best.

By noticing this natural cycle that moves from expansion to contraction and then circles back around again, we can honor how we feel in the moment and lovingly care for ourselves without pushing, straining, or resisting.

The series includes 4 video sessions. From the very beginning I will guide you to build a strong connection with your body. You’ll choose which session is the best match based on how you are feeling that day.

The diversity of videos represents the ever changing energy levels that we experience throughout our day, and the month, as we have our menstrual cycle or as the moon waxes and wanes from Full to new moon, the seasons of the year and our lives as we grow and change. In this way, you are able to find a specific practice that suits you in the moment. My “in-synch with your seasons” approach will help you develop a consistent habit of tuning into what nourishes you. By doing this consistently, you will transform your body in a deep and long lasting way from the inside out, so you will fall in love with your body mind and spirit and feel deeply centered, confident and strong. 

This series is all about creating a sacred space for you to practice radical self care. 


You will immediately increase tone, strength and flexibility and then be able to gauge your progress as you repeat the videos.

You will build balance and body awareness that energizes you, reduces pain, and carries calm centered awareness into your daily activities.

You will increase confidence, and develop a loving relationship with your body.

You will tune into your own natural rhythms and cycles to reduce stress,  become strong, supple, centered, and leverage the power of your intuitive gifts.

Just $96 for the Entire 4-Video Series

(Special Launch Price)

Whats Included:

The Home Practice series consists of 4 Pilates Videos  that are hosted on a private client-only YouTube channel. I’ve specifically designed to help you create a body you love while encouraging you to reflect and acknowledge how you are feeling and what you are needing in that moment. When we get present to our own needs and honor them, we become happier, create the ability to  remain calm and centered, and develop a loving relationship with our bodies. And as we honor ourselves in this way, we are better able to see what is ours to do, and how we can best empower others. Living from the inside out is an important key to more fulfillment and ease. 

Moving With Your Seasons Pilates Video Series 

For a Strong, Centered, Confident You

Introduction Guide to explain how to make the most of this video series and the value of cyclical living and how to incorporate into your life.

Empower and Magnify  (Summer)-This class is about shining your light, and letting go to have fun and play! This is a practice for when you want to increase your energy because you have been self critical and taking your self too seriously. Let go, enjoy, and appreciate all of your abilities and feel confident and proud of all your body can do! Whatever we focus on expands. When we focus on loving ourselves, love expands within and around us.

Ground and Center (Fall)– A deeply grounding practice that focuses on core strength, stability and alignment. This is a good practice for when you are feeling overwhelmed, scattered or navigating transitions. You will get into the deep muscles of the body and the emphasis on the breath will leave you feeling centered and calm. You will be fully present and experience the inner spaciousness that gives clarity and stability no matter what is going on around you.

Restore and Release (Winter) This class focuses on releasing tension in the body. It is a good practice for when you don’t feel like working out, but still want to connect to your body and feel good. It is a class for when you need to rest, draw your attention inward and to focus on self care. It is a good choice if you are menstruating, or feeling fatigued. It is a beautiful practice that will leave you feeling blissfully restored. A 36 inch Foam Roller is recommended for this practice. If you don’t have one yet, I highly recommend you get one-it is a an amazing self-care investment-or you can use a rolled up blanket and a pillow.

Renew and Expand (Spring) This invigorating and fun class is for when you want to increase inspiration and take action on something you want to be, create, or experience in life. 


BONUS Journaling Prompts and Affirmations to deepen your practice.

Price: $96 

“Live in each season as it passes; breathe the air, drink the drink, taste the fruit, and resign yourself to the influence of the earth.”

—Henry David Thoreau

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